⇒ Kubernetes (K8s) is a powerful container orchestration system, but managing complex applications with multiple resources can be challenging. HELM, the package manager for Kubernetes, simplifies this process by providing an efficient way to define, install, upgrade, and manage applications in Kubernetes clusters.
This guide will take you from beginner to pro, covering what HELM is, why it's needed, and how it works with real-world analogies to make it easy to understand! 🚀
HELM is a package manager for Kubernetes that helps deploy, manage, and upgrade applications using HELM Charts. It acts as a templating tool that simplifies Kubernetes deployments, making them reusable, configurable, and easy to maintain.
If you've used package managers before (like apt for Ubuntu or yum for CentOS), HELM works similarly but for Kubernetes applications. Instead of manually writing and managing complex YAML files, HELM automates the process with reusable charts that define all necessary configurations.
Before HELM, deploying an application in Kubernetes meant:
✅ Writing multiple YAML configuration files
✅ Managing deployments, services, ingress, secrets, and other resources manually
✅ Updating applications manually with complex re-deployments
For large-scale Kubernetes applications, this quickly became unmanageable!
HELM solves these issues by:
✅ Packaging Kubernetes applications into a single deployable unit (HELM Chart)
✅ Reducing complexity by allowing parameterized deployments