⇒ Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes, allowing you to deploy applications easily using Helm Charts. Below is a structured guide on Helm commands, their usage, and key concepts.

📌 Helm Commands Cheat Sheet ⇒

🔹 1. Helm Repository Management (helm repo) ⇒

Helm repositories store charts that can be installed in a Kubernetes cluster.

Command Description Example
helm repo list List all added repositories helm repo list
helm repo add <name> <url> Add a new Helm repository helm repo add myrepo <https://charts.helm.sh/stable>
helm repo remove <name> Remove a Helm repository helm repo remove myrepo

🔹 2. Searching for Charts (helm search) ⇒

Find available charts in repositories.

Command Description Example
helm search repo <chart> Search for a chart in Helm repositories helm search repo nginx

🔹 3. Viewing Chart Information (helm show) ⇒

View details about a specific Helm chart.

Command Description Example
helm show <values chart readme

🔹 4. Installing a Helm Chart (helm install) ⇒

Install an application in Kubernetes using Helm.

Command Description Example
helm install <release-name> <chart-name> Install a Helm chart helm install mychart stable/tomcat
helm install mychart stable/tomcat --wait --timeout 10s Wait for all pods to be ready before completing the installation

📌 Two ways to pass configuration data during installation:

1️⃣ Using --set → Override values in the command line

helm install mychart stable/tomcat --set service.type=NodePort