📌 Namespaces in Kubernetes

🔹 What are Namespaces in Kubernetes? ⇒

In Kubernetes, Namespaces provide a way to logically divide cluster resources among multiple users, teams, or applications. They help in managing a shared cluster efficiently by isolating resources, enforcing policies, and preventing conflicts in naming.

📝 Key Features of Namespaces ⇒

Logical Grouping → Helps organize related resources within a Kubernetes cluster.

Name Isolation → Allows different projects to use the same resource names without conflicts.

Access Control → Enables authorization and policies to be applied at the Namespace level.

Resource Management → Supports Resource Quotas, limiting CPU, memory, and storage usage.

Predefined Default Namespace → When a Kubernetes cluster is created, it includes a default Namespace that holds essential Pods, Services, and Deployments.

Namespaces vs Non-Namespace Resources ⇒

Namespace Resources Non-Namespace Resources
Pods, Services, Deployments Nodes, PersistentVolumes
ConfigMaps, Secrets StorageClasses
ReplicaSets, StatefulSets ClusterRoles, ClusterRoleBindings