whenever we have different different scenarios, we put conditions according to the scenario.
When statement
Sometimes you want to skip a particular command on a particular node
- hosts: demo
user: ansible
become: yes
connection: ssh
- name: Install Apache Server for Debian Family
command: apt-get -y install apache2
when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
- name: Install Apache Server for RedHat Family
command: yum -y install httpd
when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
> Continue from Previous LAB of 4th Page
> Start all the Instances & login via PUTTY as we do if you stopped those instances after your previous lab
>Go to ANSIBLE-SERVER & do the below things:
sudo su
su - ansible
>Go to the all Connected NODES & do the below things:
sudo su
su - ansible
>Go to ANSIBLE-SERVER & do the below things:
vi conditions.yml