>GIT Theory SS on G-Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fFB_K3cnRnvw7OiV7x8SB5vATaE5pMoZ

>GIT Commands: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_89JiGHLpCGIQ-NpY-JSy0SPE00fsH5BJBYZ4XyO4qU/edit#heading=h.sskm7yj5ogmh

>Git Important Tutorials: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vbJbRylUohjoUNy9DmGssodeKcOQzTIVV4_EX2zV4wg/edit#heading=h.mm01gzop9muj

Introduction to Git and GitHub

Git Workflow and Key Terminologies

Getting Started with GIT

How to Add, Commit, Push, Pull, Ignore using GIT & GITHUB

How to Create Branch, Merge Branches, Stash and git reset

Git Revert, Remove Untracked Files, Tags, and Git Clone: Explained