Establishing SSH Connection between ANSIBLE-SERVER & NODES & pushing Files to NODES:

Screenshot (1086).png

Screenshot (1088).png

Screenshot (1089).png

Screenshot (1091).png


**>**First of all go to AWS account and create 3 EC2 instances together in the same AZ within one Instance so that we can access it with putty by using only one KEY

**>**Then you can also enable subnet setting

**>**Go to advance setting and type the below code to run in all instances after creation

sudo su 
yum update -y

**>**Then launch the instance & access all machines via PUTTY as we do usually

>Now go to ANSIBLE-SERVER & do the below things:

sudo su

wget package_url


yum install package_url -y

yum update -y

yum install git python python-level python-pip openssl ansible -y