1. Fundamentals of Kubernetes

2. Theory & Architecture of Kubernetes in Detail

3. Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Kubernetes and Setting Up Kubernetes Master and Worker Nodes on AWS

4. Installation of Minikube and Detailed Theory of Kubernetes with Lab – Creating Pods & Containers ~ Part 1

5. Labels, Selectors & Labels-Selectors, Scaling and Replication of Pods & Replication Controller, Replica-Set and Node Selector in Kubernetes in Detail [Theory + Practical]

6. Detailed Guide on Deployment and Rolling Out/Rolling Back to Previous Versions in Kubernetes

7. Kubernetes Networking, Services, Node-Port, and Volume – A Detailed Guide

8. Persistent Volume and Liveness Probe in Kubernetes

9. Kubernetes: ConfigMap and Secrets in Detail

**9. Namespaces & Resource Quota for CPU(**Limit & Request) in Kubernetes

10. Resource Quota (Memory: Limit & Request) & Horizontal Pod Auto-Scaling in Kubernetes

11. Jobs, Init Containers & Pod Lifecycle in Kubernetes

12. Comprehensive Guide to HELM in Kubernetes (Theory)

13. HELM Commands, Usage, and Concepts in Kubernetes